Monday, July 03, 2006

Seattle Mother Jailed for Trying to Avoid Baby's Surgery

Tina Marie Carlsen, a young mother in Seattle, was arrested and put in jail because she didn't want her 9 month old baby, Riley, to have to undergo a dangerous kidney operation.

The jail time meant that Tina was not able to provide her mother's milk to her child for several days.

The charge? She was charged with kidnapping her own baby, as certain hospital specialists said initially that the baby's life was in "imminent danger" but later reversed their statements saying there was no imminent threat.

To me, this is outrageous. It is a clear sign of government gone too far, and of Western medicine gone crazy.

A parent should always have the right to choose the right therapy for his or her children. No exceptions. Western medicine nut cases need to be taken out of the decision making process.

If you're interested in helping the Carlsen's case, you can donate here.

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